This is just a collection of links to Shiny apps as well as some programs I have written. Most apps are running on a server in the cloud (DigitalOcean), so all you need to use them is a decent web browser. Of course, all is open source and the code can be found on GitHub.
Note: The DO instance serving the apps has only 1 CPU and 3 GB memory. However, you can also use the apps by downloading them from github and running locally…
Upload a text file with growth data (optical density, CFU, etc. vs time) and obtain the parameters of a logistic regression model.
R package | source code
Tidy modelling of dose-response relationships with the drc
package in R
web app | source code not available
Find CAZy (carbohydrate-active enzymes) modules in uploaded proteins. This application runs hmmscan
from HMMER in the background to find CAZy modules in proteins and generates interactive tables with the results. Bacterial-sized proteomes (~ 3-5000 proteins) can be analyzed in several minutes.
Visualize a set of HPLC trace files (must be first exported to text files). For many samples, the traces can be stacked and a virtual thin layer chromatography (TLC) plate can be simulated.
Fast plotting of FACS data. You will need the FCS files exported from your machine. The total amount of data you can upload is currently limited to 100 Mb. Source code is here.
[Heatmap of (your) Google location data]
web app not available | source code
Make a customizable and interactive heatmap of your location data from Google. First go to Google takeout to download your Google location history. This app is not running in the cloud, because it generates too much traffic and would cost me too much. If you want to use it you’ll have to follow the instructions in the link above.
Interactive map of the openflights data (airports, airlines, routes)
The name says it all. The openflights dataset used in the app is available here.
Live aircraft tracking
web app currently not working | source code not available
Real time flight paths from all over the world (or at least where ADS-B and Mode S systems are available). The live data is fetched from the opensky network and from ADS-B Exchange in ~5 sec intervals.