google-location-heatmap is my take on the problem of visualising your location history data from google. I wrote this Shiny app a while ago, and now I polished it a bit to put it on GitHub. It takes your google location history, which you can download from your google account, and...
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A Shiny app for visualizing HPLC (or other chromatographic) traces
TRACEview A Shiny app for visualizing HPLC (or other chromatographic) traces. This app reads in chromatogram files from any chromatography system (exported as csv or similar) and plots the traces, allowing also shifting of the traces in the y-axis. Zooming, panning and saving the traces as images are also supported...
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FitGrowth app
FitGrowth is a Shiny app for (bacterial) growth curve analysis I wrote recently.
You can get it on GitHub, where you will find also example files for testing. For a quick vew, the app is also running on the amazon cloud here.
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