google-location-heatmap is my take on the problem of visualising your location history data from google. I wrote this Shiny app a while ago, and now I polished it a bit to put it on GitHub. It takes your google location history, which you can download from your google account, and plots it as a heat trace on a map. You can interactively change some of the settings (map opacity, radius and blur of the heatmap) and select the time range you want to see.


How to use

  • First, go to google takeout, select “Location history” (and de-select all the rest), download and unzip the file. What you are going to need is the LocationHistory.json file.
  • In RStudio, run

runGitHub("google-location-heatmap", "angelovangel")

If you don’t have shiny installed, do it with install.packages("shiny") before doing the above. The app should open in a browser window on your computer. Note that the processing of your json file may take a while, depending on its size and the power of your machine.

  • Of course, you can also manually download the repository from here, open the app.R file and press Run App in RStudio.
