A Shiny app for visualizing HPLC (or other chromatographic) traces.

This app reads in chromatogram files from any chromatography system (exported as csv or similar) and plots the traces, allowing also shifting of the traces in the y-axis. Zooming, panning and saving the traces as images are also supported (thanks to rbokeh). I have tested with chromatograms from Chromeleon (some example files can also be found here as a zip), but any file with time-signal columns should work.

A view of the chromatographic traces in the app

If you have many samples, a nice comparative overview gives the “simulated TLC”:



the easiest way is to run this in RStudio
shiny::runGitHub("TRACEview", "angelovangel")
or alternatively, download the app.R file from here, open it in RStudio and press the “Run App” button.


The libraries required (have to be installed in R first) are:   ggplot2 dplyr purrr readr stringr rbokeh shiny and shinydashboard

Have fun!